2022 Nippers Cup

Hutt Water Polo's Annual U12 &U14 Development Tournament

When: Friday 30 September 2022 - Sunday 2 October 2022

Huia Pool+Fitness

Huia Street

Lower Hutt 5010 

Contact: nipperscup@huttwaterpolo.org.nz

Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to our 2022 Nippers Cup tournament. What a wonderful weekend it was!

While the format differed this year with only Hutt and Harbour City participating, the buzz of energy on our opening night, was very refreshing and certainly reminiscent of previous years’ tournaments. Having our newly graded and developing referees officiating this year, as well as some who are developing as coaches, was also a nice reminder of the other aspects of the game that can be just as rewarding, as playing.

To see players who are a bit newer to water polo, be so energised, excited, and enthusiastically giving it their all, is what the intent of the tournament is all about. It was great also to have players, parents, and team officials alike, sitting alongside our team of referees, to build knowledge of the table duties required.

Hats off to all players who jumped in the pool for 2022 Nippers Cup, for some of you this would have been your first Nippers Cup and we hope to see you return next year.

U12 Tournament Team

Sean Bryant, member of the New Zealand Senior Men’s team was on hand to give out medals to our U12 Tournament team. Congratulations to the players named.  

  1. Sienna Griffiths – du Plessis (Harbour City)
  2. Ash Goffe (Harbour City)
  3. Marry Martin (Hutt)
  4. Samuel Claridge (Hutt)
  5. Hugo Tuffery (Harbour City)
  6. Mason Kyle (Hutt)
  7. Cassidy Blakeborough (Hutt)

U14 Most Valuable Player

Receiving their medals from the referees, congratulations to the players named.  

U14 Girls MVP

  1. Hana Kleyn             (Harbour City)
  2. Maya Mclay             (Hutt)

U14 Boys MVP

  1. Will Collings             (Harbour City)
  2. Logan Woollett         (Hutt)

Player of the Game

Congratulations to the following players, who were named "player of the game" and recieved a small prize to celebrate their efforts.

from Stokes Valley Schools Comp teams

Oliver Flanagan & Dawn Ealam (Hutt Intermediate), Roma Moriarty (St. Peter & Paul), Lucy Melsop & Jack Walter (Kelson), Brooke Sims, Byron Illot & Selena Pua (Normandale)

from Harbour City

Nate Benson-Phipps, Alexia Benson-Phipps, Isabel Nordeng , Kade Townsend, Hugo Tuffery, Noah Isaia, Ash Goffe, Sammie Reddish, Owen Isbister, Mackenzie Cowan, Sienna Griffiths- du Plessis, Max Juriss, Eddie Dunn 

from Hutt

Mason Kyle, Marina Nadilo, Logan Woollett, Harry Martin, Sophia Turner, Nic Hannaford, Millie Abbott, Samuel Claridge, Riley Davies, Joshua Sims, Emily MacDonald, Sophie Martin, Cedric Bell, Jackson Cassidy, Savannah Lawrence, Mackenzie Croxford, Aaron Chong

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